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Friday, March 8, 2024

Ameer Ayoub
Unfiltered notes on improv from London

Something I've been picking up from watching Holy Shit Improv (they record all their shows, and they're great!) is that game of the scene is a lot looser than you might think. It's just something the audience things is funny that you can find a way to repeat. They really don't force game at all. There is very little deliberate construction as far as I can tell. This style, that is constantly active, constantly building, and adding things and more centered around following "if this is true what else is true" is very much easier to play. Clarifying the game is definitely something very nuanced and tricky, and I very rarely see that happen. When I say that I mean I very rarely see players negotiation or interrogating each others behaviour. They play the whole thing very grounded.

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